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How Do I Find Where My Local Documents Are Stored On My Mac?

Using 10.15 Beta (19A501i)… I use iCloud for Documents and Desktop.. however for several weeks at a time I may be in a geographical location that does not have wifi. Where within Catalina… are my documents stored? In Library.. there is a folder called Mobile Documents… but I can not see my Numbers or Pages documents. Thank you!
Doug Brandt

Comments: 2 Responses to “How Do I Find Where My Local Documents Are Stored On My Mac?”

    6 years ago

    You access your documents in the exact same location whether you are connected to the Internet or not. For instance, if the file is iCloud Drive/Documents/MyStuff/spreadsheet.numbers then you open it there. If it is iCloud Drive/Pages/MyNovel.pages, then you access it there. The same offline as online.

    The only difference is if you are using the "optimize" feature to save local space. If so, and the document is large, not recently used, or both, then it may only appear there as n icon and you won't be able to access it. But you can simply open it up, view it and close it, on that machine before you go offline to make sure the file is present when you need it later.

    The Mobile Documents folder in your Library, like most of what is in that Library folder, is for behind-the-scenes stuff. Don't try to work with those files directly.

    Douglas Brandt
    6 years ago

    Thank you Gary. I am very much enjoying your presentations.

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