I have 3 computers (2 Mac 1 pc)a and a iPhone 4s. I use Mail on the Macs and Outlook 2010 on the PC. I have 5 email accounts ll POP3’s. I have all set to leave mail on server for 10 days. hWen I get mail it does not always show on all computers. How do I ensure that they are delivered to all?
Gary A Turner
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How Do I Get All My Emails On All Three Computers?
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It is difficult to do with POP. Yes, you have to have all three clients set to "leave mail on server." If that is not happening, then one of those clients is not obeying that setting, or your server is not getting the message. I find that usually the problem lies with the server. Just because the client says "leave the messages" doesn't mean that the server isn't ignoring it and marking those as saved or deleting them when that client retrieves the message.
So check and re-check all of those settings. Then also log into whatever mail control panel your server offers and carefully check and recheck those settings too.
It can be frustrating using POP.
So the best thing to do is to switch to IMAP. You don't say anything about what email server you are using (the most important piece of information) -- but many servers support both, or have a way to switch from POP to IMAP. If it only supports POP, then maybe consider switching to another email service. Or, if it is corporate email, contact the IT department and ask them why they are 10 years behind in tech.
Another thing you can try on some POP accounts, is turn on auto-forwarding to a single account like an iCloud email account. I did this for sanity. I have many devices and there is no way I wanted all email on all devices, it is just too time consuming to manage.
If I read an email on my iPhone and act on it and no longer need it, I delete it, then it doesn't show on my other devices. If I need to save it, I leave it on iPhone then when I check email on my main device, I save or archive it there, off line, so I don't have it clogging up other devices.
For anyone, I always suggest your own domain, and a hosting company that supports IMAP.