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How Do I Maximise Windows In Microsoft Word On a Mac (re YouTube Clip #1363)

I recently watched your clip ‘Maximizing Windows On a Mac (#1363)’ and I LOVE this – I spend ages maximising/minimising windows to be able to see multiple things at once of my screen and this is going to be a time saver. Love it. The only thing is that a lot of the time I’m doing this in Word/Excel and I found that the ‘option-double-click-in-the-corner’ tip doesn’t work. Any extra tips for making this work there?
Michelle W

Comments: 2 Responses to “How Do I Maximise Windows In Microsoft Word On a Mac (re YouTube Clip #1363)”

    8 years ago

    I just tried it and it worked fine. I double-clicked on the corner at the top left with the Option key held down. I'm using Word version 15.26. Perhaps you have an older version that isn't fully compatible with Sierra?

    Michelle W
    8 years ago

    Ah shame, that might be it. I'm using Word 2011 with version 14.7.3. Thanks for following it up.

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