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How Do I See a Sorted Reminders List On My iPhone?

I created a Reminders list on my iPad. I then got on my iMac and sorted the list alphabetically. Looked fine on the Mac but looking at the list on the iPad and iPhone it was the original, unsorted version. What do I need to do to see the sorted list on my iPhone/iPad? Thanks.

Comments: 3 Responses to “How Do I See a Sorted Reminders List On My iPhone?”

    7 years ago

    The Reminders app on iOS doesn't have that option. It is always sorted "Manually" -- so the equivalent to the manual sorting on Mac. So you can sort them manually on your Mac, and see that reflected on your iPhone, even in real-time. This is assuming you are using iCloud for Reminders, of course. But there is no option to set the sort order to title or date or anything else on your iPhone.

    7 years ago

    Yes, I am using iCloud for Reminders. I thought that changes on one device would be reflected in the other devices. But I guess that is not the case.

    7 years ago

    Gene: The problem is that sorting is not a "change." It is just a way of viewing the list. The manual order is the actual order of the items. When you sort, you aren't changing the order, you are just viewing them in a different way. Otherwise, choosing Sort, Title would re-order the items and then switching back to Sort, Manual would see that title-sorted order.

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