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How Do I Stabilize Mail Rules?

How can I stabilize Mail Rule settings? I have a dozen rules set up to direct email to specific folders and for the most part they work, but, for some reason, the rules are not always applied and I have to go in and re-edit that particular rule…. for example, Rule X directs email from x,y,z to folder A. It works fine for a while, and then an email from x shows up in my inbox, not the folder the rule is supposed to direct it to. It is not specific to any one e-mail. Any suggestions on how to stabilize these rules?

I would like to have the rules I set up be consistantly applied.

Comments: 5 Responses to “How Do I Stabilize Mail Rules?”

    2 months ago

    Are these rules in the Mail app on your Mac? If so, don't use those. The problem with those is they only work right if you only ever get email on your Mac. If you have any other device that also checks email, which we almost all do today (and iPhone for instance) then the rule won't be there on that device. Mac Mail rules are very 2005-ish in they usefulness.

    Instead, set up email rules at (I am assuming that is your email service since you put down an address. Those rules will be applies when the email comes into the server, before it goes to your Mac, iPhone and other devices.


    2 months ago

    Thanks, Gary. However, my rules are set up in iCloud. In fact, the folders are synced and look the same in both locations. Another example: I set up a rule to have MacMost replies sent to a folder labeled MacMost. The email you just sent me went to my inbox, not the folder I set the rule for.

    2 months ago

    Mike: In that case, I'm not sure why it isn't working right for you. Check the rule carefully is all I can suggest. Make sure it really fits the rule. Remember things like the "from" email address and the "reply to" email address are often different.

    Bob Gerard
    2 months ago

    May I add a question on Rules to Mike's question?. When one sets up a rule, the very first choice is [If any/all of the following conditions are met]. Forgive me for being dense but why the choice between ANY and All? I just don't get it.

    2 months ago

    Bob: Say you have two rules, like the subject contains ABC, and the sender is If you choose ANY then if either one of those rules is true, then the action is performed on that message. If you choose ALL then both rules must be true for the action to be performed.

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