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How Do I Take Full Webpage Into One Screen Shot?

\Will it be safe to download SnagIT from this site? https://[***]/en/app/1531095431/techsmith-snagit-2021
I saw this youtube video about Snagit; then checked thabove site.
will it be safe to download it from this site? It seems Snagit is not available at appstore?
Please let me know your answer,
Thanks in advance,
Lali Raj

Comments: 4 Responses to “How Do I Take Full Webpage Into One Screen Shot?”

    4 years ago

    SnagIt is an app that has been around for a long time and I've never heard anything bad about it. But that site you mention, that's not the SnagIt site. It is very important that when downloading anything that is not the Mac App Store that you get it directly from the developer or publisher's site. Downloading from another site is a sure way to get either adware or downright dangerous malware.

    SnagIt is from TechSmith,

    But another way to go is to just use Firefox for that. Firefox lets you grab the entire page, unlike Safari or Chrome. I did a video on that:

    Note that I think it looks a little different now, but if you Control+click on the background of a page you get the option to screenshot the whole page.

    Lali Raj
    4 years ago

    Thanks; from where I can download Firefox browser that will work with Mac OS Catalina?

    4 years ago

    Lali: the official site is

    Douglas Brace
    4 years ago

    I wish Google would add a screen shooting feature to Chrome. Microsoft has added it to Edge, which is based on Chromium. I use the screen shooting feature in Edge all the time.

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