Now that we’re all going to upgrade to the new iPhone is there any way to transfer saved messages (Both iMessages and ordinary texts) to the new phone?
Tony Rosner
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How Do I Transfer Messages To a New iPhone?
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You don't need to do anything, as long as you move to the new iPhone in the regular way.
When you back up your iPhone to iCloud and/or to your Mac or PC, it saves your messages data and the data from all of your other apps as well. So when you do the upgrade correctly, by doing a final backup, and then going through the prompts when setting up your new phone, you'll get all of your messages and other data. In the prompts, it will ask if you are restoring from a previous iPhone. You need to then select the iCloud backup, or the iTunes backup. That's what brings the messages data and all of your other stuff over to the new phone.
If you skip that part and try to "start fresh" with none of your old data, then you'll be missing your messages and a lot of other things too.
Many thanks Gary