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How To Autofill Formula To All the Cells Without Dragging or Without Copy Paste?

Hello Gary, I’m an excel user who is migrating to Numbers. I love it. However, in Excel if I need to apply a formula to a sequence of cells below it or even if I need to copy the data in a cell to a sequence of cells below, then I can select the days cell and double click. It will automatically format the formula or data to the cells below it. In Numbers, dragging the yellow dot to the last row is cumbersome for large tables. Can you please advise if there is a way? Thanks in advance.

I’m asking this because Excel makes my job easier. I can just select the cell GOI to the right bottom corner until the + sign appears, double click. That’s it. Be it a formula or even just copy the data. All will be populated to all the cells below it until the end of the table.
IT SAVES TIME. In numbers dragging the yellow dot to the end of the table for large tables is cumbersome.

Comments: 5 Responses to “How To Autofill Formula To All the Cells Without Dragging or Without Copy Paste?”

    3 years ago

    Copy the cell with the formula. Select all of the cells where you want it to go. Paste.
    A quick way to select a range of cells is to select the first one, then Shift+click the last one.
    A quick way to select all non-header cells in a column is to double-click the column header (A, B, C, etc).

    So a frequent thing you do in Numbers is to select B2. Copy. Double-click "B" at the top. Paste. Now B2 is in B2 to B100 or whatever.

    3 years ago

    In column B, if cells B50 to B100 are empty & the cells from B1 to B49 & B101 to B200 are with data & I need to add the formula from B49 to the empty cells from B50 to B100, then I can select the cell B49, double click in the right bottom corner, it automatically copies the formula or contents from B49 to the empty cells upto B100. It will not copy in B101 as it has data. Dragging the yellow dot Is cumbersome for large tables. Pasting again requires scrolling similar to dragging.

    3 years ago

    Ravi: That's an unusual situation. Or at least it should be. All the cells in B would normally have the same formula. So even if B1-B49 and B101-B200 had that formula, then paste it again in B1-B200 wouldn't be a problem.
    But if you are mixing the contents of a column with different things, then you'll have to select what you want. Click on B50. Shift+click on B100 (no need for the yellow dot if you hate it so much). Then paste.
    Of course you always have the option of just using Excel if you want.

    3 years ago

    Gary, Thanks for the patience & time to clarify things. I was thinking some method will be available that may not be known to me. However I will use what is available. Thanks again for your time & attention.

    3 years ago

    Gary, Thanks for the patience & time to clarify things. I was thinking some method will be available that may not be known to me. However I will use what is available. Thanks again for your time & attention.

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