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How To Backtap To Open Phone Favourites?

Wanting to create a shortcut that will run from a backtap that will open the phone favourites. I can say “Siri open phone favourites” but can’t find a way to do in a shortcut. There is open phone but I can’t position to favourites in the shortcut. Doing it will allow me to call, message, etc any favourite.

I tied other alternatives with no success and I can issue a verbal Siri command but it may not be the time to speak out loud.
Miles Klettke

Comments: 4 Responses to “How To Backtap To Open Phone Favourites?”

    10 months ago

    You can do that using a URL Scheme. This is a special URL that you can use with the Open URL action in Shortcuts (also in Safari) that will take you to a particular place in a particular app. For instance, you can go right to a section inside the Settings app because the Settings app provides URL Schemes.

    See for how to use this to get to places in the Settings app.

    The Phone app does too. Once you have seen how to do this in the above tutorial, then to go to the Favorites screen, you can use this URL Scheme instead of the Settings ones:


    Miles Klettke
    10 months ago

    I got that to work thanks. However, I found if I clinked on a contact to say send a message instead of calling, when I back tapped the next time I was in that contact rather than being in the favourites (from there I can just click "<" back to the contact list but it's just another step)

    Miles K
    10 months ago

    Tested a bit found that the shortcut didn't position to favourites only when a contact was chosen and you say chose to message. After the message the phone app was positioned on a contact which you didn't get back to, and a rerun displayed the contact rather than favourites. If the phone app was on recents, keyboard, etc, a rerun would position to favourites. It only seemed to occur choosing a contact from favourites not when choosing a contact from the contacts list.

    10 months ago

    Miles: Maybe have it first go to something else, like Recents (mobilephone-recents://) then go to Favorites. Maybe put a Wait action in-between them? If that doesn't work, you may have to live with it like it is. That could just be the closest you'll get.
    Alternatively, you can just have a more full-featured Shortcut that lists some contacts in a menu and lets you choose one, then calls that number. So not using Favorites at all. I don't really have a good sense of your "goal" here from the original question. Do you just want a faster way to make calls?

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