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How To Deactivate Touch-pad ?

Hi, Gary. I would like to know, please, if there is a way to deactivate the Touch-pad while I am using the wireless mouse…I use the mouse 95% of the time and I use my Mac to work on translation. I have to type very fast and sometime (a lot) I touch the pad by accident and the cursor gets lost…that makes me stop and find the cursor…and it is a little annoying…Anyway to use just the mouse?? Thanks!

Comments: 2 Responses to “How To Deactivate Touch-pad ?”

    13 years ago

    There is an option in System Preferences. Where this option is depends on which version of OS X you are using.
    In Lion, go to Universal Access. Then Mouse & Trackpad. Then press the Trackpad Options button. Then the checkbox: Ignore built-in trackpad when mouse or wireless trackpad is present.

    13 years ago

    Excellent!! Thanks!

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