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Icloud and Apple Id Query !

Gary what will the Apple ID be for the iCloud feature service !
I have not subscribed to MobileMe and so i d not have a Apple Id. Instead for Apps on my iphone and ipad my apple Id is my Gmail Email address.
What will I need to do when the iCloud service becomes active ? Will I have to Change my Apple ID ?
Also if there are existing Mobileme users, what is the procedure for iCloud to manage the Contacts & calendars.
Little confusing…
cyrus Dubash

Comments: 4 Responses to “Icloud and Apple Id Query !”

    14 years ago

    If your Apple ID is your Gmail address, then that's the ID you need to use for iCloud.
    Many people use their MobileMe address as their Apple ID. But it doesn't have to be a MobileMe address.
    We don't yet know how the transition will work from MobileMe to iCloud. We'll find out in the fall.

    Cyrus Dubash
    14 years ago

    But Gary there are many who cannot use the mobile me service !

    There is an Apple support document I read that 6th June 2011 is the last date for mobile me and it will stop working after that.

    This is the link.

    Please do read it.

    It's very confusing as to what is happening with existing MobileMe customers and what they should do for their calendar entries !

      14 years ago

      I think you should read that document again. It clearly states that MobileMe accounts will extend until 6/30/12.

    Cyrus Dubash
    14 years ago

    opps im sorry ! Thanks !

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