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iPad wifi popup terms don’t display

I’ve been to Denver International Airport and the Brooklyn Marriott during the first part of June, 2010. Both have free wifi, but you need to agree to usage terms and conditions as part of the initial login process. In both cases the iPad would not display the popup screens so that I could select the “I agree” buttons. Rather, the iPad kept coming back with a “not connected to the internet” message. The wifi provider for DIA is the same one used in Oakland, so I’m anticipating the same problem there. My Windows notebooks all connected without a hitch at both spots. Any ideas on how to get the iPad to work in the same manner?

— Steve Foster

Comments: One Response to “iPad wifi popup terms don’t display”

    15 years ago

    I understand what you mean. But I don't have any suggestions. Hopefully the WiFi provider will update their system. But these are the same people that ban general interest magazines thinking they are "adult" material. So, I wouldn't hold much hope for it.
    I never log on to these anyway, as they are very insecure. I use a mobile wifi hotspot instead, but it costs a lot.

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