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iPhone 4 app update problem

i have an issue with an app in my iphone 4. i downloaded a free update fro fring which got stuk in waiting. it wont download the update . i tried syncing , did not help
can you recommend a solution

Comments: 8 Responses to “iPhone 4 app update problem”

    14 years ago

    How about deleting the app and adding it back again. That will work. You might need to re-enter and preferences, though.

    Alex Gagnon
    14 years ago

    I'm having the same problem. I tried to install two free updates, and they both froze in "waiting" status. I tried to delete them but the black circle with the "x" in it you touch to delete an app does not appear on those apps now, so there's no way to delete them. I tried just re-downloading the apps, but in the app store, they show as "installed", so I can't do that either. Anyone know how to fix this?

      14 years ago

      Have you tried syncing with your computer and then using the iTunes interface to delete the apps?

    Mario Tenuta
    14 years ago

    I have had the same problem. Power off your iPhone (press at same time the front button and the power button on top, press for a few seconds until an apply symbol shows). What 10 seconds and then power up by pressing the same buttons at the same time for a few seconds until the apple logo appears again. The app icons formerly showing waiting should now be updated. cheers, Mario

    14 years ago

    I tried to update Facebook and it got stuck in 'waiting...' I've tried everything and it's not working! This is so frustrating!

    13 years ago

    Thanks Mario for your help

    13 years ago

    My phone when I try to update an app like it says it says billing information problem and I click done and still doesn't update or anything what do I do ?

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