Gary any idea on the iphone 5 release date ? Im wondering whether to get another 4 after selling my 3gs or wait a while and get the 5 straight away !
What is your advice ?
cyrus Dubash
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iPhone 5 Release?
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Just the same rumors that I'm sure you have read. It is all just speculation and rumors now. Can't really advise anyone based on that.
In response to a very similar question asked of the techies at Consumer Reports the reader was advised to hold off until this summer/fall 2012 for the release of the Iphone 5 with 4G so as not to incur another 2-year contract with what would be old technology. Consumer Reports is considered to be a reputable magazine, so someone there must have some line to Cupertino, CA.
Consumer reports is a relatively reputable magazine, yes. And their estimate of a release timeframe is about the same as everyone else. But the one thing I can say is that they don't have any more information than anyone else -- no "line to Cupertino," just the same educated guess as everyone else.