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iPhone Accelerometer Problems

I have a friend who told me his iPhone doesn’t go into horizontal anymore. calculator, safari email etc. has anyone else had this problem?

— Todd Brockway

Comments: 2 Responses to “iPhone Accelerometer Problems”

    15 years ago

    The only time I have heard of that is from someone with a jailbroken iPhone, and something they installed must have broken that functionality in software. I would download one of those free "level" apps to really test out whether it is the Accelerometer that is the problem, or something in the system. If the system, then try a restore.

    John Welch
    14 years ago

    I have this same problem with my iPhone 3GS. it started about 4 days ago. Thus phone has not been jail broken. I believe I purchased this phone from AT&T in January of 2010. I have the latest sofware version (4.3.3)installed and it did not fix the problem. the last Application I installed was myTouchTunes mobile. Apple opened up a problem ticket on it but I didn't feel like spending hours on the phone with them to troubleshoot it. Is anybody else having this problem?

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