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Is It Time To Update a Router?

The Trendnet TEW-632BRP router was purchased in 2010. I’m not sure if it’s now considered “old” by router standards. The manufacturer has it listed as discontinued, but my late 2009 iMac has many successors too.

Now and then it needs to be unplugged and plugged in to restore the wireless connection to the printer, otherwise no problems that I’m aware of.

What was under consideration for a replacement is the Apple AirPort Extreme. That is, it was until reading that Apple is dropping this line of equipment.

Reading about the ease of installing the AE prompted me to ask if there is another, similarly priced non Apple router, that installs with the same apparent ease as the AE.

The Trendnet install was not pleasant. The owner’s manual had no mention whatsoever about a Mac installation. Any information had to be obtained from the Trendnet web site.

Are there any suggestions for a reliable, quick and easy to install router?

Roger Schlemmer

Comments: 3 Responses to “Is It Time To Update a Router?”

    8 years ago

    Sorry, Roger, I don't have any recommendations for a new router as I use an AirPort Extreme as you may expect. Maybe just get an AE? The rumor that it is on the way out is based on reports of engineers being re-assigned. So we don't know for sure. Plus, it is unlikely that new technology will surpass the AE any time soon.
    Other than that, I'd look into review at Amazon and such.
    As for whether your "old" router is too old: does it offer WPA2 encryption? That's the most important. And 802.11ac is probably what you want as well. If it offers both of those then I wouldn't call it old. The printer problem is just as likely to be on the printer side of things as the router side.

    8 years ago

    It is old by current standards. But, if its WiFi N, it may have good enough performance. More troubling is that there will not be any more firmware updates. For that reason, I suggest a new router. As a rule, all current routers are easy to install, at least initially. Routers targeted at consumers may have very few options making them easier still, as long as you don't need an option that no longer exists.

    8 years ago

    My computer suddenly stopped working with Air Drop. All whom I spoke to thought it was the computer that was at fault. All else was working normally. The router was a few years old. About a year after losing Air Drop , the router stopped working. Bought a new one, and Air Drop is back on track.

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