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Is Low Data Mode In a Foreign Country Adequate?

Hi Gary. I will be spending some time in Canada later this month and I’m a little concerned about cellular data consumption. My cell provider gives me 5 GB.

I know that Android has a “data saver“ switch.

Will setting Low Data Mode under Cellular be enough to prevent Photos from uploading a video to iCloud, and other bandwidth-intensive operations? Can you think of other settings or practices that will minimize data consumption until I can connect to WiFi?

Comments: 3 Responses to “Is Low Data Mode In a Foreign Country Adequate?”

    1 year ago

    If you are concerned about data use while using a mobile connection, go to Settings, Cellular and then scroll down. You'll see a list of apps, like Photos, with a switch next to them. You can switch off any of these to prevent the apps from using any cellular data and forcing them to wait for Wi-Fi. Look at the bottom of the list for iCloud Drive and iCloud Backup switches too.

    If you go all the way to the bottom of that list you can also choose Enable Cellular Statistics and then Reset Statistics at the start of your trip. This will allow you to keep tabs on your end of your data use. You can also then more accurately see which apps are using data in the list.

    11 months ago

    This works great, but it looks like the switches for iCloud only work after a power cycling my iPhone 12 on iOS 17.1 and a T-Mobile SIM. I’LL HAVE TO REMEMBER TO THAT TURNING OFF iCloud DATA BY ITSELF IS NOT ENOUGH. IT WILL REQUIRE A RESET POWER ON OFF CROSSING AND INTERNATIONAL BOR

    11 months ago

    Sorry for the poor editing above. I had some mid prematurely and there’s no way to edit it.

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