Hi Gary
I just purchased the iPhone 4 and I upgraded my iPhone 3GS with ios4 when I activate the iPhone 4 my 3GS becomes an iPod so I was wondering if you knew of a web site that can give me step by step instruction on how to jailbreak and unlock my 3GS with the ios4 installed on it
— Paulie3660
Sorry, no. I have many old iPhones at this point. They do make great iPod Touch-like devices (plus a camera!). But I have never found the need to jailbreak them as there are so many great apps available anyway.
I'm sure an Internet search will get you to a page that will tell you how to jailbreak if you really want to.
well, I think this article is just the one you can turn to:
"Jailbreak and unlock iPhone 3GS for iOS 4 on Mac"----Learn how to jailbreak iOS 4 iPhone 3GS with PwnageTool and unlock iOS 4 iPhone 3GS with UltraSn0w on Mac: ifunia/iphone-column/jailbreak-and-unlock-iphone-3gs