my macbook still has my original name that I gave it the day I got out of the box, and till recently this was the name that it showed its self as on my home network. recently it has changed its name to host95. I have no explanation for this, and have checked various settings in syst pref under network and sharing. can anyone offer an explanation.
Jim harrison
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MacBook network name
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So under System Preferences, Sharing, Computer Name, what does it read? If it isn't host95, then I would suspect the router you are using has assigned it that name for some reason. What type of wireless router are you using?
thanks for the prompt reply,the name shown under syst pref is my computer nam, ie my name.I am using a Belkin N1 router.
love the site and the video tutorials by the way.
I would suspect the Belkin router is just not paying attention to your computer's name and assigning one of its own. Try logging into the admin control panel for the router (see its documentation) and see if there are any settings that affect this.
Once again thanks for the prompt reply.
I will have a look at the router and try and see if the problem is there.
great site love it!!!