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Needing a Good RSS Reader

I am in need of a good RSS Reader for a MacBook Pro, running Lion. What do you recommend?

Comments: 3 Responses to “Needing a Good RSS Reader”

    13 years ago

    I don't use any RSS application. Instead I prefer to use Google's RSS reader. Either their "reader" or just the iGoogle page, which I think is even better because you can control the layout.
    But you can use the Mail application on your Mac as an RSS reader as well.
    Other than that, I would search the Mac App Store for RSS readers and read the reviews.

    13 years ago

    I use Reeder. The best IMO. They also make for iPhone and iPad. It is on the App Stores.

    Emin Tolga
    13 years ago

    I use NetNewsWire. I could not find better then it.

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