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question about “bitrot” from non-techie

someone mentioned that I might have something called “bitrot” on my imac (my imac is not even a year old). How do I get rid of this?

Comments: 5 Responses to “question about “bitrot” from non-techie”

    14 years ago

    Bitrot isn't something you should be concerned about. Especially with a new computer.
    You can see the Wikipedia page for it here:
    Bitrot would be something to maybe worry about if storing data CDs/DVDs or hard drives for 10+ years or some such.
    Why did someone tell you that you may have bitrot? Is there a problem that you are experiencing?

    14 years ago

    I mac consultant recently looked at my computer. He had suggested bitrot since I had some really old files/photos on my computer that I had transferred over from a Dell. He suggested that my imac was running very sloooooooow

      14 years ago

      So he thinks that because you have some old files that you may have bitrot. That doesn't make any sense.

    14 years ago

    OK. How do I tell if my imac is running up to speed? Is there a program I can run?

      14 years ago

      Well, you can invest in a tool like TechTool Pro. But unless you have reason to believe that something is wrong, then it is probably a waste. Have you tried my suggestions in episode 349:
      You can also take it to the Genius Bar and have them look if you think something is wrong.

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