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Random reboot – iPhone 4

I saw my Iphone 4 rebooting itself today. It had been left alone for a while so it was locked. I just jailbroke Monday, anyone else see this happening?

— Scoop

Comments: 17 Responses to “Random reboot – iPhone 4”

    14 years ago

    Not me. But mine aren't jailbroken either. It could be related, I guess.

    14 years ago

    I have a new iPhone 4 which has not been jailbroken and has nothing done to it that isn't just part of the normal OSfaciliies and it has rebboted at random ever since I've had it. I'm also unable to stop the screenlock coming on. I'm taking it back to the vendor tomorrow!

    14 years ago

    It's happening to me lately... The iPhone self reboot and lose brightness setting and other stuff...
    iPhone 4 jb fw4.0.1...

    14 years ago

    i just got the iphone 4 too. my first device was constantly exiting apps and restarting itself. it also had a hard time showing photos i took - half overexposed, lines through them, etc. i took it to the apple store and they restored the phone (which i had not synced ANY of my previous music, contacts, etc. with). The phone still acted up. they gave me a new device and its doing the same thing, if not worse. it's constantly re-booting itself. if i try to get into email, or look at a picture or video, or try to navigate in the 1 app i downloaded. sometimes it even does it when i'm trying to make a call. i just called the apple store and, apparently, its an isolated incident with just my 2 devices (thus far). i never ever had 1 issue with my 3gs or the software/hardware. nothing. is anyone else having these problems... (my reception is fine, and no yellow screen, by the way)

    14 years ago

    I have the same problem too. Im taking it back to tn
    To the vendor today. I hope it works out. Otherwisr ij m just
    going android.

    14 years ago

    I'm on my second Iphone 4 in the past 3 days and I've got another appointment at Apple Store today as it's rebooting all the time. It's probably done it 20 times today & it's really annoying. I'm going to tell them I'll give another one a try but if it reboots just one time we're going to have to think of something else. I don't have the time to waste on either a software or hardware error on their part.

    14 years ago

    Mine as well. I have it only for 7 days and it keeps rebooting ramndomly. No problem with the 3GS before I upgrade to the iphone 4. Really messed up.

    14 years ago

    Hey...I have to say that unfortunately I have same problem but in a worse situation as I bought it in Canada and I am back to Brazil with no intention to came back to Canada soon. I think we should try to find any coincidence that might lead us to a solution, if it exists.
    Iphone 4, FW 4.2.1, baseband 03.10.01, serial # 82104...A4S
    In my case, it does not reboot in stand by only after I start open apps and opening e-mails, etc...

    14 years ago

    I bought iphone 4 last week & since then I am facing the same issue . every 3/4 minutes its restarts itself. I even tried factory restore however the problem continued. Now I have send my phone back to Apple service centre hopefully they will replace it with new one. I bought it online from Singapore. before this i was using 3gs for last one year without any issues hope this is one off issue & will not repeat in the replacement piece.

    14 years ago

    same problem here, phone is a few hours old. standard iphone 4 settings, keeo trying the app store and it restarts going bk to the black little white apple screen for ages then starts and whatever i was doing is gone and i have to try start again, hapens every 5 mins? plz help

      14 years ago

      Have you tried restarting it? If that doesn't work, then I'd go back to the Apple Store and ask for help. They'll fix it or get you a new one.

        13 years ago

        I m also having this reboot problem every 5 minutes iphone 4 one week old....but without warranty as they said its already opened...anyone any idea if this problem is repairable or not....

          13 years ago

          Take it back. Get a replacement. If it is only a week old, you still have a warranty (All Apple products come with a 1 year AppleCare warranty). I'd take it back immediately.

    13 years ago

    My iPhone4 has same issue in Japan (bought in Japan too). I thought this is Japan specific problem till I read this. People says resetting your keyboard dictionary might help (and it did for some). Go to "Setting - General - Reset _ Reset Keyboard Dictionary". Hope it helps you too. I'm still verifying if this worked.

    My iPhone3GS had not problem at all (bought in US, used in US). Was I lucky?

    13 years ago

    Hi guys. Any news about for fixing rebooting-restarting itself.
    i have iphone4 with iOS5.0.1 and lately started rebooting itself this year. Now I am thinking to buy GalaxyS3 no headache. is it?

      13 years ago

      Have you tried simply backing it up and then restoring? Or at least visiting the Genius Bar and asking for help?

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