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Text Find and Replace With an Apple Shortcut?

Hi! Is there a way of using Apple Shortcuts to find and replace text with in a text string.
For example: I use inline images in Markdown documents.
The image file name might be something like “The image I want to display.jpg”
For the Markdown preview to display this image it needs to be in the form “The%20image%20I%20want%20to%20display.jpg”

So I am trying to write a Shortcut that will take to original file name from the Clipboard and replace every “space” with “%20”

Can this be done.
By the way, I am Ok with the reading the Clipboard content into a variable and copying the variable back to the Clipboard. It’s just the find and replace I’m having difficulty with.
Peter Anderson

Comments: 2 Responses to “Text Find and Replace With an Apple Shortcut?”

    4 weeks ago

    Yes, you can do it in Shortcuts. You can also do it with my ClipTools app pretty easily (

    For Shortcuts, start here:
    That will give you a way to handle the text selected, and then you just need to work with actions to replace the text.

    For ClipTools, see:
    You will just need to use the {sub:} function to replace the space with %20.

    But actually ClipTools also has the function want built-in. Just select the text, choose the ClipTools menu and select: Selection Actions, URL Encode. It does exactly what you want.

    Peter Anderson
    4 weeks ago


    Thank you!

    What an idiot I am, we spoke recently and after that I got a copy of ClipTools. I've just tried it and it works brilliantly.

    I still need to follow up on a Shortcuts solution because I need to do the same encoding on my iPads.


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