I have some files that show an up arrow next to the file size in finder. These are documents that I am storing in iCloud. I can see that my changes are not being stored in iCloud. Does anyone know what this means and how to fix it?
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What Does a UP Arrow Next To the File Size In Finder Mean?
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If you see a cloud icon next to a file with an arrow, that means either the file is on iCloud Drive, but not stored locally on your computer's drive at the moment (down arrow), or it is stored on your local drive, but hasn't been synced up to iCloud yet (up arrow).
It could be that your Mac has a lot of files still yet to sync with iCloud and is catching up. If you have a slow Internet connection, a lot of large files to sync, or both, then this will happen often. Eventually the file will sync. It may also happen for other reasons, like the file is still open by an application or is in the process of being updated by the application.
The up arrow is not next to the cloud. It is to the left of the file size. Do you know what that means?