How To Change Print Scale on a Mac

When printing from some apps it can appear that there is no way to scale the content of a document while printing. But different apps put scaling options in different places. Even when there are no scaling options, you can use other tricks to print at different sizes.

Comments: 8 Responses to “How To Change Print Scale on a Mac”

    Jim Terrinoni
    11 months ago

    Once again, where at the beginning I thought I’ve done this, so why need to watch? Simple, sometimes we do things so automatically that we forget there are more efficient ways to do it. The reminder that a Contact sheet could be done via Photos app rather than Preview was a value for me.

    lauren eisen
    11 months ago

    thank you gary, very helpful as usual

    John Russell
    11 months ago

    Thanks, Gary. I've often been bamboozled by certain printing needs and now I won't be anymore.

    9 months ago

    The trick how to print from Preview is just great. This video saved me, because I can keep my work-flow which no longer worked with Ventura.

    8 months ago

    Dera Gary, I have a issue with Print Scaling: By default the Settings are set to scale to 100%, but I need "Scale to fit" as default. I couldn't figure out how to set it up. Even a new default setting does not keep the setting in "Scale to fit". Can you Gary, or anyone else help with this? Thank you!

    8 months ago

    Kim: No, I don't think you can change the default. You have to switch to scale to fit each time.

    David Jenner
    6 months ago

    I have the perfect solution for printing documents from apps that don't offer the Scale percentage box... use 'Monosnap' screen shot tool (free on the AppStore) to draw a marquee around the area you want to print, when the panel pops up just press Cmd P to bring up the Print dialog box and it will automatically rescale to fit the size of your paper in your printer.

    6 months ago

    David: Using a screenshot would mean a low resolution print. Plus, why with your idea use a third-party screenshot tool when you can do it with the built-in screenshot tool?
    If an app doesn't offer scaling, you can usually export a PDF or print to "Preview" and then scale in Preview. But it depends on the specific situation.

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