How To Get Photos Out Of the Photos App

If a photo is part of your Photo's App library, how do you get it out and use it as a regular file? There are three proper ways you can export a photo, none of which involve messing around inside the library file.

Comments: 5 Responses to “How To Get Photos Out Of the Photos App”

    Bippie Riley
    3 months ago

    Hi Gary,

    I haven't got a question or comment about this tutorial, I just want to let you know that I have watched, and learned so much about my MacBook and iPhone use from you and your tutorials over the years. I have passed on to others so that they too can learn from you. Thank you for very much.

    Milton, MA

    3 months ago

    Which External Hard Drives Are Most Compatible And Reliable For Exporting Copies Of Your Photos From A MacBook Pro To An External Hard Drive?

    3 months ago

    Dustin: Just about any external drive you buy today should be fine. As for reliable, I don't do any sort of testing or have a lab for that or anything, so I don't have any information that could help. Online reviews (like at Amazon) can be useful.

    John Stephenson
    3 months ago

    Very helpful information added to your recent video on the organization of photos, especially as I am mostly unfamiliar with moving around the Photos App.

    2 months ago

    Thanks, Gary. The Mac file architecture for photos has always confused me, so this was very helpful. I've basically used the methods you decided to get photos out of the photo app for editing in PS or Lightroom. It just seemed like there should have been an easier way to access the files from those programs. C'est la vie. This was very helpful, and it will save me a lot of time searching for photo files in Finder!

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