How To Use Dictation on Your Mac

There are two separate type of dictation you can use on your Mac. Basic keyboard dictation lets you easily combine talking and typing. Voice Control adds a powerful list of commands and lets you control almost every aspect of your Mac.

Comments: 10 Responses to “How To Use Dictation on Your Mac”

    9 months ago

    Very useful, Gary. Thank you very much..

    9 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    Arnie Keller
    9 months ago

    Do both systems of dictation use the same text engine? If they don’t, which is faster?

    9 months ago

    Arnie: I haven't tested them for speed. Try it yourself as it may depends on your voice and also how you use dictation (with keyboard, lots of special commands, etc).

    9 months ago

    I do like/use dictation. Since I upgraded my system dictation changed. When I used to say new line cursor would jump to a new line, but now dictation just shuts off and then when I turn it back on, it went to the new iine. Also I haven’t been able to figure out if I can just say space to go to the next space. Nothing works for that and I would like that. Maybe with a new computer things will change. I want simplicity and all you said was complicated for me with too many choices to figure out.

    John Lake
    8 months ago

    Mac dictation command "numeral 7" types numeral 7, not just the 7, as the instructions suggest. Is there a way to fix this?

    8 months ago

    John: Using Keyboard dictation or Voice Control?

    Peter Baker
    8 months ago

    Do you have a video which includes Google dictation software.

    3 weeks ago

    What a great and interesting video! Thanks.

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