MacMost Now 291: iTunes 9 Home Sharing

Learn about the new iTunes 9 Home Sharing feature. It lets you easily share and copy media from one computer to another from within iTunes. However, setup requires one or more iTunes accounts and the new features are simply shortcuts to what was already possible.

Comments: 50 Responses to “MacMost Now 291: iTunes 9 Home Sharing”

    15 years ago

    Gary, thanks for clearing that up! I was hoping for a feature to get the playlists, playcounts and ratings on my iMac and my MacBook Air in sync. It seems the new feature doesn't help... Let's hope, Apple keeps improving it.

    I'll still have to use Chronosync to do the job!

    Thanks for a great show!!!


    15 years ago

    nice job explaining that. Also note that using Home Sharing brings over ratings and play counts, while copying directly from the finder doesn't.

    I wish that Apple would come out with a home server solution where all image (iphoto, aperture) and media (itunes, imovie, etc) libraries could be stored on one central machine and automatically synced, shared, or streamed to multiple machines throughout the house. The ease of use of a mac seems to break down when dealing with multiple libraries across multiple machines.

      15 years ago

      My understanding was that it did bring over ratings, but not play counts. I don't use either very much. I agree with you about the idea of a home Apple server.

        15 years ago

        Ah, you may be right. I saw it brought over the rating and assumed it grabbed the rest of the metadata too.

      15 years ago

      I have a related issue and am trying to figure out if I can combine my existing iTunes files with an assortment of other files I've collected over the years and store them on a central Windows Home Server and then use iTunes on my kids pc and on my imac and simply share the files with each respective iTunes accounts.

      Basically I'm simply trying to share the files and not the accounts. Is this possible or will there be some rub with the two different systems working from the same collection of files?

        15 years ago

        You definitely can not use Home Sharing for that. Home Sharing is between two running iTunes programs. So if you want to get the files from a server, you have to use more traditional file sharing techniques. But if you can access the files on your Mac, then you can use them in iTunes. You just need to set up iTunes to not organize your files for you so it doesn't just copy them over.

    15 years ago

    Thanks so much for this video! It really clears things up. I know I'll be heading to MacMost for your next video!

    15 years ago

    Itunes 9 home sharing is not good at all, from what I have heard for you. I think the old fashion way is the best

    Mark Hurley
    15 years ago

    Big follower :) Issue I discovered the other night? Copied iTunesU content using homesharing. On the original computer, iTunesU content (video and slides/PDF) were stored in the iTunesU path on disk and visible under iTunes category in iTunes. On the machine I copied both video and slides to, the video stayed under iTunes U, but the slides were moved back to the Podcast folder.

    Note: There is a notice message, that any iTunesU content you downloaded before iTunes9, it is not automatically moved over to iTunesU category. I deleted and redownloaded the content before moving using home sharing.

      Mark Hurley
      15 years ago

      stored in the iTunesU path on disk and visible under iTunes category in iTunes.

      stored in the iTunesU path on disk and visible under iTunesU category in iTunes.

    Andrew C
    15 years ago

    Gary , nice explanation on sharing, you're right it should sync all music though.

    I'd also like to see it available between users on a single MAC. My kids have user accounts but I prefer to be the only user able to import music so would love to be able to keep control and simply share/sync those files with them.

    I wonder if Apple simply forgot about multiple users on one machine?

    Jim Hallissey
    15 years ago

    Gary. I agree with all other posts, your show really rocks.

    I was very disappointed when I tried out Home Sharing, I assumed I could push files to my MacBook Pro from my iMac but regretfully found I could only drag them.

    I think the old fashioned way of sharing is the easiest way.

    I agree that all content should be available for home sharing as in my case nearly half of my content is from our CD collection.

    Gianni B
    15 years ago

    I personally think home sharing is a great option!! needs work? LOTS!! but still a good solution! previous sharing option wouldn't allow you to import the songs, bad news is that automatic sync is only for purchases from the itunes store.
    The good thing I found on it is the option "items not found in my library" which, while is far from accurate, it can ease up your task on finding new songs imported into your main computer.
    The way I use home sharing is by leaving my imac as a server and streaming my movies, podcasts, etc... to appleTV, the music gets copied in to it, also have a macbook (sister) and a macbook pro (mine). Those two laptops are now with the home sharing feature enabled, allowing me to have all that content imported to my imac and streaming to my appleTV without the need of having either laptop turned on. And while automatic syncing gets improved (I hope soon!!) i'll just use the "items not found in my library" option to see what's new and import.

    Pierre from France
    15 years ago

    Hi Gary,

    First of all thank you for the great videos you're doing for the Mac community. I've been trying to use iTunes 9 home sharing features and it's way too difficult to use. I finally gave up. I'm disappointed by this feature. We're all used with Mac to have things done easily. This isn't the case this time unfortunately. I'll keep sharing MP3 files via the regular Folder Sharing system.

    This is my opinion. Once again thank you Gary and keep up the good work.


    15 years ago

    Thanks for sharing this info to clarify what shouldn't be this confusing. Apple usually makes things very simple, but this is overly complex to use. I was stuck on how to actually do the sharing until your video. While it is true you could do all this before, the new way (once its setup) is a little easier for my kids to do. (that is, to hit the Import button) I do hope they fix the syncing so it works properly with all things in the library.

    One other question this raised. I am doing most of the buying of music on my MacBookPro in my office. My kids all use the family computer and have separate accounts setup for each of them. Does each one of their accounts count as one of the "five" I can share with? Is there any way to make all the accounts on the home computer all synced?

      15 years ago

      I don't know. Try it. You can always de-authorize very easily. Try authorizing one users on the Mac, and then another, and see if the number increases.

    15 years ago

    I shared songs. Fine. Tried to share apps dragging them to the itunes library. At first they seem to be copied (plus sign) but actually they are not. I believed Apple said y can share (copy) apps too

    Matt W
    15 years ago

    Great review. Completely boiled down the new home sharing feature down to what it is (not much), and saved me the time of trying it out.

    Matt Tunney
    15 years ago

    This just seems like another one of apples misses to be honest, just like the apple tv and time capsule. Disappointing

    iLife and it's packages are for a single user hence the i, even though apple says one of iLifes features is the ability to easily share files with your friends and family.

    Apple really should take a new approach to these packages and aim towards a family and home environment set of features. Say limit the number of apple ID's to 5 (just like the family pack bundles of Mac OS X) and that the users have the same billing address.

    15 years ago

    wuz up,
    i just saw your video and i found it quite interesting... my problem is that my mum and my dad don't live together and i got a computer in each one of their apartments.
    if i download songs on one of my computers, i cannot listen to it on the other one, of course.

    is there anyway to send the new songs to my other computer without using e-mail (i use the same account on both computers)?

      15 years ago

      You definitely can't use Home Sharing for this. The computers need to be on the same network. I would recommend picking up a cheap USB flash drive and using it to bring the files from house to house when you buy new music.

    15 years ago

    we have one computer where we have all of our songs, but i want some of the ones that are on my labtop to put on this computer. and the homesharing button disapears evertime i log in. how can i fix this?

      15 years ago

      Make sure both computers have Home Sharing enabled and that both are using the same ID for Home Sharing. Then it should work. If it doesn't, it could be your home router blocking it or any number of things. Lots of people can't seem to get Home Sharing to work, so you are not alone.

    15 years ago

    i am very confused about home sharing. i just got a pro but my sister has a dell pc, can we still share and what d we dod to set it up

      15 years ago

      As long as you are both running iTunes and are on the same network, you should be able to use Home Sharing. Turn it on on both and see. If the PC has any sort of firewall or blocking, it may make it tough. But try it and see if you can see each other's music in iTunes.

    15 years ago

    Home sharing doesn't work for me as I want to keep my home PC in sync with my work PC.

    15 years ago

    Great video Gary! I noticed that the iTunes Server that is on my WD ShareSpace no longer shows up as a "Shared" library - I double click a song from the network drive on the finder, and the song starts in iTunes, shows up in the main library, but no SHARED library anymore that I can browse from iTunes. What happened to the old sharing? I checked prefs and sharing is on - is this feature no longer available in iTunes 9?

      15 years ago

      The old sharing feature is there, the same as before. I was using it before and am still using it. Not sure, but perhaps you are running into another problem. Hard to tell from here.

      Crooked Root
      15 years ago

      I have the same problem, expect that I purchase my WD ShareSpace after I had upgraded iTunes to 9. Still, the WD server does not show up in the Shared list in iTunes. In fact, nothing shows up - there is no Shared list.

        15 years ago

        I'd definitely contact WD support and see what they have to say.

    15 years ago

    Gary, we have 2 macbooks, and an imac which we use as the server. The two macbooks seem to see the shared library on the imac, but neither have the Import and Settings bar displayed at the bottom, therefore neither can import the music. Any ideas?

    15 years ago

    We have 2 macbooks, and an imac that we use as a server. Both macbooks can "see" the music files on the imac, but we the import/settings bar does not appear along the bottom, therefore neither can import the music files. Any ideas?

      15 years ago

      Just a guess: Sounds like the MacBooks' iTunes are not authorized using the same account as the iMac -- this is different than Home Sharing authorization. They actually have to be authorized to play the music bought with that iTunes store account. Menu bar: Store, Authorize Computer...

    15 years ago

    I recently just got a laptop and I was not looking forward to transfering all of my music over. I looked into home sharing, I have done every single step, and yet I cannot for the life of me get the import button to appear while using Homesharing.
    I have the same accounts for both computers, and my library from my other computer pops up on my lap top I just can't find an import button!

    I can't click and drag songs either!
    I'm so frustrated! I just want my music! PLEASE HELP!

      15 years ago

      Hard to tell which piece isn't in place. Try turning off Home Sharing and turning it on again on each machine. After turning each off, try logging in to the iTunes store using the account you wish to share -- or both accounts to "authenticate" your account. Then turn Home Sharing back on. You've got to keep tinkering with it, I think.

    15 years ago

    Hi Gary, thanks for the video, I just discussed with a friend why Apple starts to make things so complicated. I have Macs and a Windows Netbook, plus multiple ipods and an iphone in the household. (I already got rid of all non-itunes compatible players). Since I have an NAS which is running 24/7 I thought it might be a good idea to install my iTunes Library there, and, instead of more or less redundant music libraries, have one "server" to store the music and use the local iTunes as "player". It kind of works with my iMac, but there is no way I can bring that to work e.g. with the Netbook. Technically it can not be a problem at all, I guess the whole hazzle is only due to Apples fear that somebody might buy and share iTunes files. Do you know if anybody ever succeeded building up an "iTunes NAS server"?

      15 years ago

      You should be able to do this. Just turn off "Keep iTuns Media folder organized" and "Copy files to iTunes Media folder" in the Advanced section of the iTunes prefs. Then store your music on the NAS, and add it to your iTunes library (maybe start it fresh). iTunes will then act as normal, but your NetBook can then access these files however it wants to access them.
      Or, you could simply leave the default settings and store your iTunes library on the NAS.

        15 years ago

        Thanks for your quick reply, Gary. The Netbook seems to be connected to the NAS "server" library, since the local iTunes folder is empty and there are titles visible (that can also be played). But it seems like some old status, not all the titles (regardless if from CD or iTunes Shop) on the NAS are accessible. Maybe I have to install iTunes on the Netbook new...

          15 years ago

          See what the differences are between the files that are accessible and the ones that aren't. For instance, are the accessible ones .mp3 files and the others .aac? Then your NetBook may not know how to play .acc files. Things like that.

            15 years ago

            Hi Gary, that is not the case. Some mp3s are accessible, some not. I cut the wlan connection, threw out all files in the local iTunes folder on the Netbook and restarted iTunes. The Netbook still showed the files like before, but could not access them (because the wlan connection was cut). I threw out all files of the playlist manually. Then I relaunched wlan and connected iTunes with the iTunes folder on the NAS again. Nothing happened. I went to "import playlist" and imported the iTunes music library.xml file from the NAS. After some time I stopped thein-progress-window and files appeared in the local playlist. However, this time there were even more files missing than before. This is rather frustrating...

              15 years ago

              Sounds like something is up with the NAS, perhaps?

                15 years ago

                No idea. I just found that my MacBook has the same problem. It shows an older status of files (as far as I can tell the same as the Netbook). The only machine showing the file list in complete is the iMac. The files are on the NAS, though. Weird.

                  14 years ago

                  Hi Oliver - did you get this fixed, I am having the same issues

    15 years ago

    I have 2 Macs on a wireless network, one an older G4 with a giant hard drive and my music, the other a MacBook pro. I recently bought an iPhone and would like to use the MacBook for syncing. I upgraded to iTunes 9 on the MacBook and got home sharing set up to the point where I can see and play my music library that's on my old Mac, however, there is no Import button visable when I select music in my shared library, nor will the MacBook copy files to the local library when I drag them. Any ideas?

      15 years ago

      Do you have Home Sharing turned on for both Macs? Are both Macs authorized in iTunes for the account? Are you using the same account for a "Home Sharing ID"? Are both running iTunes 9 (I assume so, because you need that for Home Sharing). If all that is true, then it is hard to say what might be wrong. Try turning off and on Home Sharing.

        maggie Powell
        15 years ago

        of course we've tried tinkering with it and have tried several times. I have the same problem, i get so far as to see the other library then i can;t mport or click in drag. Please come up with a more helpful answer to why this doesn't work at all

    15 years ago

    tried everything mentioned - still no luck. I ended up copying what I wanted to my laptop through drive sharing. Thanks anyway!

    Tinker T
    14 years ago

    thanks this is the only place i've found an explanation of why i couldn't drag music from one library to the other. i authorised all three computers on my home network under both our itunes accounts - mine and my partner's. i turned on home sharing under my account for all three computers - it didn't work when they were logged on to different accounts. i may not have needed to do all that but anyway, it works now!

    14 years ago

    Will this work on transferring apps (importing from iphone) also?

    My husband had an iphone. He got a new phone (not iphone) and gave our son his old phone. I'd like to put my husband's apps from the old iphone onto my itunes account (the Mac) so I can share the apps with both of my kids (especially the ones he's paid for).

    He has a PC, but he does have an itunes account.

    Any help would be appreciated. If there's any way to email me, I'd appreciate it, also!!!


      14 years ago

      If he purchased the apps with his iTunes account, then those apps can only get used on devices that use his iTunes account. You can authorize your iTunes (on your Mac) for both yours and his iTunes accounts. Then it should work where you can re-download the apps he bought as long as you are "logged in" as him. But I've never tried it quite that way.

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