Mac Tips for Individuals with Dyslexia and Other Learning Challenges

macOS offers a variety of different settings and tools that can make reading and writing on your Mac easier if you have dyslexia or other learning differences.

Comments: 3 Responses to “Mac Tips for Individuals with Dyslexia and Other Learning Challenges”

    Fred Greenhut
    1 month ago

    I am hearing impaired and the posts are not close captioned. Is there anything I can do to make them so?

    1 month ago

    Fred: Which posts? Do you mean the video here on this page? There are closed captions. Click the settings control at the bottom of the video (looks like a gear or cog ⚙️) and then Captions, and then English.

    1 month ago

    In 1956 I was labeled unteachable in 1st grade. Yet I am a graduate of School of Dentistry USC. I believe it is thought Steve Jobs was dyslexic. One of my favorite people was General Patton. His grandfather, Ben Wilson, (Mount Wilson & Wilson Observatory) owned much of Los Angeles. His parents would not let him start school until his was 11. He failed out his freshman year at VMI and West Point. I work with dyslexic children in my community. This was truly a great video--hope for future

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