MacMost Live: Building a Basic Business Spreadsheet In Mac Numbers

Watch as I build a basic business spreadsheet live from scratch. Expenses and income will have their own tables in their own sheets, with a summary sheet that adds up each category. We'll also track items that don't have a category assigned and add a custom filter that will allow this one document to be used for multiple years.

Video transcript available soon.

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Comments: 10 Responses to “MacMost Live: Building a Basic Business Spreadsheet In Mac Numbers”

    Joseph Leahy
    4 years ago

    Number the first column the same as the row, so you can always get back the original sort order.
    This number can also be written at the top of any invoice or credit note as a reference.

    Gloria Messer
    4 years ago

    Can we request that Apple insert a numbered column as the first column, as it is done in Word?

    4 years ago

    Gloria: Not sure what you mean. But you can do that yourself easily enough. =ROW() or =ROW()-1

    4 years ago

    Very nice video, question.  Based on your design I created a Rideshare spreadsheet.  I sometimes drive for Lyft, Uber or other carriers.  I want to find my totals and averages based on carrier I drove for.  The more complicated formula that tests for a match to the filter table and returns true or false returns an error to me.  The error reads...“The formula was replaced by the last calculated value”. I can of course go to the record above and copy, then paste the formula, and it works fine

    3 years ago

    The last step in building the calculation formula does not appear the same when I follow your steps...I get an error message: Your formula contains a syntax error. All steps except the last step (purple, Amount) are shown exactly like yours until I click Amount (D)...It shows: Expenses::Expenses::Amount...and I can't find how to change it to just Amount.

    3 years ago

    Michele: Maybe clear that cell and try again.

    3 years ago

    I like your style and have listened to several of your videos. I developed an income/expense spreadsheet and everything is working fine. I have entries for 2020 and 2021. I am finding that I would prefer to only see the current year on the Expense entry sheet. I thought I could use the formula similar to what you used on the Summary page to only show a specific year, but it isn't working. What would you suggest for hiding all but the current year on the Expenses entry sheet?

    3 years ago

    Judie: Lots of ways to do it. Have a column for the year (use YEAR to get the year from the date column) and then filter by it and add it to SUMIFS and other functions.

    3 years ago

    Actually, I already have that column and a column that "Is Year." I followed what you did for the Summary Page in your video so that I could type a year in the small table. I type the year and it shows True/False in the Is Year column, so that works. But, I can't figure out what to do next to hide the year that is true. Hopefully this makes sense. Formula for Is Year column is . That all works, so I'm confused.

    3 years ago

    Judie: If you want to hide those rows, use a Filter. But that won't remove them from formulas and such.

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