New Mac Video Conferencing Features

macOS Sonoma introduces a unified menu for video and microphone controls in the menu bar. This includes the ability to trigger reaction animations and combine your screen and camera input to create a presenter overlay. For the most part these work in FaceTime but also in other apps like Zoom.

Comments: 10 Responses to “New Mac Video Conferencing Features”

    Dana Schwartz
    10 months ago

    Do both ends need to be Sonoma for FaceTime? I assume Sonoma not needed for Zoom, since it’s multiplatform.

    Still seems complicated, non intuitive, and not really “Mac-like”. Definitely needs pre-use practice! (Don’t yell at me!)

    10 months ago

    DanaI think most or all will work as long as you have Sonoma. The other person just gets a video feed.

    10 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    10 months ago

    On my M1 Mini with Sonoma, my Zoom video conference image freezes if I inadvertently trigger a Reaction by moving my hands around. It'll start the (unwanted) balloons or whatever, and then my image freezes (but audio continues to work). The only fix we've found so far is to quit out of Zoom and log back in. Also, there doesn't seem to be any way to completely disable Reactions in Zoom. You have to do it each time at the start of your Zoom calls via their row of buttons.

    Barry Wallach
    10 months ago

    will this work with skype?

    10 months ago

    Barry: I think so. Some of it, maybe. I don't use Skype so I don't have it handy. Give it a try and report back.

    Rick Calicura
    10 months ago

    I agree with Dana's critical comments. Seems complicated and will probably require quite a bit of pre-meeting practice. Otherwise, pretty useful once mastered.

    David W Smith
    10 months ago

    This a potentially complicated topic, keeping all the options in mind, clicking windows, and being aware of what YOU are seeing as well as what THEY are seeing. And great kudos to you, Gary, for doing all this WHILE you were recording all this! That's a lot of juggling on your part. Very nice, and thank you for the info.

    D. Sands
    10 months ago

    How do we create a second FaceTime account to use on a second computer for testing purposes?

    10 months ago

    D.: Lots of ways. One way is on that second Mac, create a new Mac user account. But while creating it, don't sign into your iCloud account, instead choose to make a new iCloud account. Then any time you want to test, switch to that secondary test Mac account.

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