Notes On the New Mac Background Replacement Feature

You can use the new Background Replacements feature in more places than just FaceTime. You can record with it in QuickTime Player, iMovie and move. You can replace the background with any image, even just a green background to fake a green screen.

Comments: 4 Responses to “Notes On the New Mac Background Replacement Feature”

    Graham Caulfield
    1 day ago

    Does this only apply to the latest Mac hardware? I have a Mac Mini, and in FaceTime, I do not see the icon showing a screen with a person or any of the other screenflowhelper icons.

    1 day ago

    Graham: You need one of Apple's webcams. Since a Mac mini doesn't have one, then I assume you are using a third-party camera so this probably won't work for you.

    23 hours ago

    Thanks bunches

    8 hours ago

    Gary, longtime viewer delurking momentarily to let you know that my 4 year old Logitech webcam connected to my M2 mini seems to handle the backgrounds just fine in the Facetime, QuickTime and Photo Booth scenarios in -however, not so in iMovie where it is not listed under cameras. In QuickTime a slightly different mechanism though... launching QT opened the Facetime icon in the menu bar where I could make the background selections. Thanks for all you do!

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