Recording Audio With GarageBand

You can use GarageBand as a way to record your voice or anything with your Mac's microphone. You can record bits and pieces and rearrange and edit them. You can also overlay tracks. Each track can be altered with editable filters. You can then export your audio as a standard file to share or use in other software.

Comments: 14 Responses to “Recording Audio With GarageBand”

    Todd Daniel
    11 years ago

    Any way to get the Podcast kit back? That was the main feature I used and it's frustrating not to have it.

      11 years ago

      It was really just a pre-filled template. You can start with a blank project and use GarageBand in the same way as you did before for most podcasting purposes.

    Jai Uttal
    11 years ago

    Hey Gary, I've made many albums (one Grammy nomination) using Digital Performer on my Mac, but since getting into my iPad I hardly ever use my computer. So I've been working with GarageBand mobile. I find the apple loops, though pretty cool, to be very limited. Is there any way to get access to more loops for my iPad? Also, what do you think is the best microphone adapter/preamp for the ipad?
    Thanks so much for all of your help. I love your videos.
    Warm wishes,

      11 years ago

      I don't think there are any third-party loops for GarageBand for iOS. As for the hardware, I'm not the person to ask. I don't use my iPad for recording. I'm not really an expert on recording equipment since I'm not in the music biz. I'd ask in an audio tech forum.

    11 years ago

    Thanks very much--you tried hard but it is still too complicated for this novice. Is there a training program you can recommend for a slow learner?!

      11 years ago

      Sorry, I don't know about any training programs. Perhaps sign up for a session at the Apple Store for one-on-one training, or hire someone from a local user group to give you a live tutorial.

    11 years ago

    Hi, Gary, do you know if there is a way to show only the editable loops in the GarageBand loop browser?

      11 years ago

      Not sure what you mean by "editable" -- all loops are editable in one way or another.

    11 years ago

    How do I overlay vocal loops? Say I record one piece, then I want to do harmony to that piece. How do I do it? Thanks for your time.

      11 years ago

      You basically do just that. Record one track. Create another track and record that. You'll hear the first track while recording the second. Ideally you want to use headphones, of course.

    10 years ago

    Gary, I'm on GB '11 (6.0.5). I'm wondering if there is a way to create a "marker" on a track that will allow me to rewind to that point in lieu of rewinding all the way to the beginning. I can't find any way to perform this task and it just consumes a lot of time. Sounds simple enough, but I can't find an answer anywhere.

      10 years ago

      Perhaps look into the Arrangement Track and see if that help. I've never needed it, so I don't know if there is something to help you.

    10 years ago

    Hey Gary. I'm trying to find the keyboard equivalents to the simple transport functions: rewind, forward, rewind to beginning. Seems like an oversite to omit them on this version.
    Also, do you know anything about multi monitor support?

      10 years ago

      The Return key does a rewind. Not sure of the others. You'll need to experiment to see. FN+left and FN+right (Home and End) go to the beginning or end of the song.
      Not sure what you mean by multi-monitor support. GarageBand is a single window, and you can stretch it across multiple screens if you like.

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