Stop Adobe Background Processes From Automatically Launching

If you have Adobe Creative Cloud installed then every time you start your Mac the Creative Cloud app and a number of big background processes will start automatically. If you don't use Adobe apps every day, you may want to change this so none of it starts until you use your first Adobe app.

Comments: 7 Responses to “Stop Adobe Background Processes From Automatically Launching”

    Nan Holcomb
    2 years ago

    Thank you! I use Adobe maybe twice a month.

    Ron Housley
    2 years ago

    Once I deleted those Adobe files running in the background, my Mac lost its sluggishness and ran fast as it did when it was brand new! Those Adobe files were gumming up the works. Thanks!

    Bob Earp
    2 years ago

    Fantastic tip Gary, many thanks. Now, assuming that I understood you correctly, these Agents and Daemons will automatically get reloaded when either you run an Adobe app (or CreativeCloud), or you reload your Mac, yes ?
    If that's correct is there a way that an Automator script can be run ? Never done that !!
    Kind regards, Bob...

    2 years ago

    Bob: The running processes will yes. But the LaunchAgents and LaunchDaemons (what make them launch on boot) will not. Doing an Automator script to kill them would be difficult and require a lot of effort to get it right. Plus, it may not be a good idea to "kill" these processes while they are running. If you are running Adobe apps that often anyway then you should probably let these processes run.

    Bob Earp
    2 years ago

    Thanks Gary. Like a lot of people I've considered moving away from most Adobe apps as I don't use them much at all, it's really only Acrobat that I rely on for some document creation/management and I've yet to find a decent replacement.
    I've just remembered that I had Acrobat as the default app for reading .pdf files and changed that to Preview so (hopefully) I will rarely open an Adobe app in the future.

    Linda Costello
    2 years ago

    Will this work with Ventura? Before I do this, I wanted to make sure, since it's a little different from Monterey. I too only use the CC apps maybe once a week at this point, so I would like to keep the background processes from running unnecessarily.

    2 years ago

    Linda: Should be easier with Ventura. Go to System Settings, General, Login Items and you should be able to shut it off from there.

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