Things You Can Do With an Apple Trackpad That You Cant Do With a Mouse

If you use a trackpad with your Mac, whether it is the built-in one on your MacBook or the stand-alone Magic Trackpad, it can do a few more things than an Apple mouse.

Comments: 13 Responses to “Things You Can Do With an Apple Trackpad That You Cant Do With a Mouse”

    Steve Fleming
    5 months ago

    This was very helpful. I have just started using my trackpad on my MacBook while traveling and leaving the Magic Mouse at home. Did not know all the things you mentioned. Thanks again. My Patreon membership continues to pay huge dividends. You will never know how much you have helped an old dog learn new tricks. Have a wonderful day.

    5 months ago

    Thanks bunches.

    5 months ago

    Just a note: If you bought an iMac and subsequently decide to buy a trackpad, you can't get it in the matching colour. Colour matched iMac peripherals are only available when initially buying the iMac, not as a separate purchase.

    Really irritating.

    Bill Ferrol
    5 months ago

    Hi Gary, another very interesting post. I have a question - I have an old trackpad and have tried the deep press to check the meaning of a word as you demonstrated with the deep press. I don't get anything and have checked my settings and this feature is turned on. My question is, is my trackpad too old for this feature to work? It's a model A1339. Thanks

    5 months ago

    Bill: Yes, that's the old 2010 model. They came out with a the modern one in 2015.

    Jim Terrinoni
    5 months ago

    Intriguing! Who would have thought there was so much difference between input devices? Then, who would have taken the time to find this out? Answer to that, Gary. Thank you Gary for explaining this.

    Bill Ferrol
    5 months ago

    Thanks Gary, I thought that was the case. The deep press works on my MacBook pro though.

    Julie Wasmus
    5 months ago

    Thank you, Gary! I an newer to the magic trackpad and only found a few features by accident. Now I'm can take advantage of those you shared as well!

    5 months ago

    Gary is there a way to reduce the width of an open window using the trackpad that does not require dragging the edge of the window while holding down the trackpad with a relatively hard click?

    5 months ago

    Jonathan: You have to click to do it, doesn't have to be that hard though. Or, you can use the three-finger drag option I show in this video.

    5 months ago

    Thanks Gary I had that turned on like you showed in the video and I guess it was disengaged when I changed the swipe between spaces to three finger mode. It works now.

    4 months ago

    Gary, besides the deep press feature and the lack of batteries are there any other differences that you are aware of between the new Trackpad and the original generation 1 model? Are the ergonomics similar?

    4 months ago

    Jonathan: I don't know the technical details offhand, but when I changed years ago it felt a lot different. If anything, the ergonomics are better. Feels like the resolution is better too. Surface is nicer. Try it next time you are near a place that sells Macs.

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