Use These 5 Techniques To Become a Mac Pro

Experienced Mac users know how to unleash the power of macOS and apps by using a variety of basic techniques. Learn how to master a new app by exploring the menu. Interact with objects using context menus. Customize your toolbars to reveal hidden buttons.

Comments: 7 Responses to “Use These 5 Techniques To Become a Mac Pro”

    6 years ago

    hi Gary
    so here's an attempt at becoming a Pro that doesn't quite work as it should, maybe you have a comment on this. When saving a Pages document for the first time, sometimes I copy the title on the first page if I want the document to have that name. However, when I go into the Save dialog box if I try and use the shortcut CMD-V to paste the line I just copied, it doesn't work. However, if I use the context menu (right-click on mouse) I can paste the text. Any ideas?

    6 years ago

    nick: There shouldn't be a difference. Are you sure the title text in the save dialog is selected? I just tried it and the Command+v worked for me.

    Dean Kutzler
    6 years ago

    Super helpful video! Thanks!

    6 years ago

    Another great video, Gary. As someone who loves playing with apps and exploring what happens when you try clicking on various things, I feel vindicated that I'm not just wasting time! Thanks! 😊

    6 years ago

    Is there key combination that can copy an Image that is already in pages to the desktop? I have tried the CMD C & V as well as a Drag to the desktop but both did not work

    6 years ago

    Michael: No, there's no shortcut for that. I would copy, go to Preview and do File, New From Clipboard, and then save. I suppose if you already have Preview open, you could do keyboard shortcuts for Copy, Switch App, New, Close, type the name and press Return.

    6 years ago

    Thanks, that works and it can be useful when loading Word documents using pages for editing images

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