Using Mac Numbers To Inventory Your Stuff

You can use the Numbers app on your Mac to keep track of things you collect like books. Just create a simple table and put one item on each row. You can then add more data, sort, filter, print and even view your up-to-date list on your iPhone while on the go.

Comments: 9 Responses to “Using Mac Numbers To Inventory Your Stuff”

    Clive Kitchener
    1 year ago

    Is there a way to import OCR scans from iPhone/iPad? Thinking about large collection of LP's (Vinyl). Far too labor intensive to enter info by typing. Good use of Numbers for me but too much work to manually enter. Thanks!


    1 year ago

    Clive: Not in Numbers. Maybe there is a third-party app? Or, maybe just take pictures of each LP and put them one session, then put them in a folder. Then sit at your Mac and go through each one using Live Text where you can to enter the names, or just typing as you preview the images.

    1 year ago

    Always enjoy your videos. Thank you.

    I have two tips related to your video.

    1 year ago

    First, if you want to adjust the column width, you can do so easily by double-clicking the column header. You must double-click the column header’s right border.

    I accidentally discovered this Numbers feature and have never seen the tip in any guides or documentation.

    1 year ago

    Imagine you want to expand column A to fit the values in column A. Position your cursor in the column header exactly between column A and column B. The cursor changes allowing you to drag the width of column A. Instead of dragging, double-click. Column A immediately adjusts to fit any values in column A.

    The exact behavior of the column fit depends upon the Text Wrap setting. I recommend you play with the feature. Soon you’ll be a master.

    1 year ago

    The second tip adds to your sorting ideas. Once you have defined a sort rule, you can sort again by clicking the Sort Now button. You showed this in your video.

    A hotkey exists too. To sort a select table using a sort rule, use the shortcut command+shirt+R.

    Hope these tips help someone, somewhere.

    1 year ago

    Another nice video. Thank you.

    10 months ago

    Hey Gary, I like to create a list of reports and papers that I have stored on my computer as PDF files, much like the list you created here. I was hoping to find a way to format each data entry as a hyperlink to the file that each line refers to, so that when I would click on the cell, the document would open. I see there's an hyperlink format but it does not have a way to link to a local file. Do you know any workaround for this? thx

    10 months ago

    nick: No good solution for that. You can get a link, but only after you "share" it via iCloud. You don't have to share it with anyone but yourself, but it still takes too much time to do it for a list of files.

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