Using the Mac Color Picker

The Color Picker is a standard tool window that you will find in a variety of apps like TextEdit, Preview, Pages, and many third-party apps as well. You can select any color using a variety of methods in the Color Picker. You can also save your favorite colors for reuse, even across apps.

Comments: 7 Responses to “Using the Mac Color Picker”

    Bob Riley
    8 years ago

    Excellent! I wasn't aware of some of the options that you pointed out (saving a chosen color, for example). I'm so used to using only a couple of colors, I never investigated choosing others.

    Love your video lessons. BTW, do you have any on using Time Machine? When I enter my backup, I can't locate my gmail mail boxes.

    8 years ago

    Bob: Search for Time Machine or Backups at the top and a few things should come up. Nothing specific to Gmail. But with Gmail, since it is cloud-based, you shouldn't need to use Time Machine to look up old emails. Just log into the Gmail website and search. Unless you have been intentionally deleting email instead of the default archiving, then everything should be there. That's the best feature of Gmail.

    Ian Leckie
    8 years ago

    Hi Gary! I´ve been using Colour Picker for ages but, like Bob, wasn´t aware you could save a chosen colour, nor did I know you can click-and.drag around! These two tips will be incredibly useful to me. But one question: having saved a colour how can I then later delete it from the little panel? Not very important, but I´d like to know if this is possible! Thanks so much for your Newsletters and extremely well done videos! I never stop learning!! Best, Ian

    8 years ago

    Ian: There's no way to delete a color. A work-around people use is to set that color to white. You eventually end up with a bunch of white squares, which are not "empty" but white. A half-way solution, but easier to look at.

    Ian Leckie
    8 years ago

    Thanks Gary! Have done what you fine for me!

    8 years ago

    I've been trying to work out how to save colors for a while now. This was really useful. Also the ability to save colors and re-use them across apps is fantastic. This knowledge is going to save me a lot of time! Thanks for the information and so clearly described too.

    8 years ago

    That was really useful, thank you. I've been using the colour picker for years as a quick and dirty blunt instrumented had no idea of the subtlety you have shown us. Wonderful.

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