Comments: 3 Responses to “MacMost Now 53: What the iPhone SDK Means”
17 years ago
As always, your MacMost Now videos are excellent! Thanks so much for all that you guys do there. -C
17 years ago
Wow, the $99 fee is a "security check"? That's completely wrong..... and you aren't sure if we'll ever see Spore as a real product on the iPhone? Care to place a wager?
You need to get a clue... Wearing an "i  code" t-shirt doesn't make you competent to report on developer matters.
boz: So, what do you think the $99 fee is for? Have some inside information you want to share?
So what are your credentials? You say you disagree, but you are not presenting any information.
As always, your MacMost Now videos are excellent! Thanks so much for all that you guys do there. -C
Wow, the $99 fee is a "security check"? That's completely wrong..... and you aren't sure if we'll ever see Spore as a real product on the iPhone? Care to place a wager?
You need to get a clue... Wearing an "i  code" t-shirt doesn't make you competent to report on developer matters.
boz: So, what do you think the $99 fee is for? Have some inside information you want to share?
So what are your credentials? You say you disagree, but you are not presenting any information.