MacMost Now 600: Where To Go For Help With Your Mac Or iOS Device

Learn where to go if your Apple product breaks, or you have a problem you can't figure out. You can use Apple's Genius Bar or call their support line. You can also join a local user group or take your Mac to a local repair shop.

Comments: 19 Responses to “MacMost Now 600: Where To Go For Help With Your Mac Or iOS Device”

    14 years ago

    Hi Gary,
    First, I want to thank you for all the good info you've provided in this Outstanding website. My question is, I have a Mac mini server 2010, and I want to upgrade
    to the 2011, Do you know if I can take it to Apple and update/upgrade it to the 2011 without buying a new mini?

      14 years ago

      There are no "upgrades" like that. Same as for cars -- you can't upgrade a 2010 to a 2011. It just doesn't work that way. You can add more memory and a new hard drive to a 2010, but it won't have the new basics and features of a 2011.

        14 years ago

        Thanks Gary

    14 years ago

    Gary, greetings, first of all, congratulations for the video popcast, i'm a subscriber and it's very helpful.

    Now, I've got a Macbook White 13', last night it fell on the floor, the screen cracked, though the whole laptop seems to be working fine, i'm aware that the screen can be replace but also i know that it's very expensive, it took me 2 years to safe money to buy the macbook, where can i seek for help or possible solution, i wish i could afford a $600 screen replacement but it is no posible for me.

    I live in Costa Rica and its really dificult to get Apple products assistance here, thanks in advance Gary

      14 years ago

      I don't have any specific advice -- I don't think there will be any way to bring down the cost of the repair unless you can do it yourself, but that takes some expertise.

        14 years ago

        Thanks for replying Gary, though I've got another question, I've found another macbook for repairing parts, it is pretty much the same as mine but different processor speed configuration, i thought I might be able to buy it and then get the screen from that one and replace it with the broken one but, are those the same type of screen? will it work on my macbook? thanks for the help Gary

          14 years ago

          Maybe, but I don't know. You'd need to look up technical information about each model and then figure out which screen part they use. I can't tell you from here -- I probably couldn't even tell you if I had them in my hands, as I would have to take them apart. But that is getting a little out of my area of expertise. I'm a how-to-get-things-done-on-your-mac guy, not a hardware engineer.

            14 years ago

            Gotcha, i'm trying to figure things out with both mac models, but yeah, thanks a lot Gary

    Tom Pham
    14 years ago


    I'm wondering if you can help me. I'm using the latest Lion and I have a problem with the same apps opening up when I restart the computer (I know you almost never restart but I do after maintenance with Onyx). In particular, when I start Safari, the same two pages I had open from 6 sessions ago reappear in the dock. They always reappear after I quit Safari and opening it up again. Have you heard of this problem? I've tried the Apple Support pages and others have the same problem. Experts there suggest unchecking "Restore windows when quitting..." I've done that and it doesn't seem to work. This never happened in Snow Leopard. I'm regretting the Lion upgrade. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Mr Anthony Cotton
    14 years ago

    I have been waiting for a video like this,and again Gary you have come up trumps.
    I have an iMac.The screen has been replaced 3 times,and its just come back from Apple`s Authorised Dealers,and this time they replaced the Graphics Card. A spokesperson said i would take this higher (Consumer Law) we only have your Mac for about a week,and the problem you have seems to occur over a longer period of time. These people are great, even the Apple Tech guy phoned me up and said what did Apple say when you phoned them up. Its a long story? I have done everything in your video accept the local user group. When i am done here i will try that. As i said before i am not a crawler,but i am very surprised about this video, Thanks very much Gary.

    Mr Anthony Cotton
    14 years ago

    Well i tried looking for a user group near me. The nearest was York,but guess what the site is under going reconstruction?

    Alan Jones
    14 years ago

    > I am a Scottish European living in Germany. However, my recently
    > purchsed iPad refuses to accept me as an English speaking customer. I
    > cannot use the British Apple Apps. sites, being told that my credit
    > cards are only good for Germany - probably due to the credit card
    > mailing address. As I don't want to read Shakespear in German, what
    > can I do? Apple have not answered my question on three occaisions.

      14 years ago

      The problem is though that if a developer has chosen to make an app available only in the UK and you are not in the UK, then there's not much you can do about it. But that is a rare case. Most app developers make their apps available worldwide. Is the problem with just that one app? I sell apps in the store that are available everywhere. So maybe contact that app developer and find out what they can do for you. Or, choose a different app.

    Robert Bromfield
    13 years ago

    I have just downloads the MacMost app but i can't find it anywhere, i have been into my apps in iTunes but can't find it

    12 years ago

    I have multiple issues. One being I cannot view videos in a timely manner. It only loads a few seconds at a time which is why I did not watch your video. Also, it is now very slow to open site pages, sometimes not at all or so slow I give up. I also downloaded the mountain lion update, yet it still says I need to update......I've done it 3 times. Their is also an iPhoto update available that says it will take 9 hours to download, but does not make any headway when attempting to do so. I have a Macbook Pro........Thank you.......Melinda

      12 years ago

      It sounds like you simply have a very slow Internet connection. Perhaps upgrade that, or if you are paying for a fast connection now call your ISP and sort out the problem.

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