Why Your MacBook Battery Drains Fast

If you feel your MacBook battery drains too fast, there is probably something you can do about it. First check out a graph that shows you the battery drain over time. Then use various techniques to figure out which app is the problem. You can even figure out if it is a specific web site you are visiting that is causing the issue.

Comments: 7 Responses to “Why Your MacBook Battery Drains Fast”

    Fran H
    9 months ago

    When I checked the activity monitor it clearly showed NOTES as using a huge number .. like 1,500 . I closed Notes and thought it might be reflected in the numbers I was seeing but did not notice a change. Wondering why Notes would be such an energy user. I really haven't even used the Notes app much recently. I am not impressed with the Notes app.. or maybe I just don't understand or use it properly. Thanks for your videos.

    Steve Jones
    9 months ago

    Very useful. Tip about keeping laptop plugged in when possible was a gem. I was cycling my battery at my desk every now and then but dont do that anymore.

    9 months ago

    Fran: In which column, 12hr or Impact? Perhaps Notes was syncing at that moment. Other people live in that Notes app, but not every app is for every user so perhaps you just don't have a use for it.

    David W
    9 months ago

    Thanks Gary. Some very helpful info here. As usual. I can always count on you to cut to the chase, provide relevant and useful info and not waste my time chasing rabbits down their holes.

    9 months ago

    Gary if I have multiple accounts on my MacBook do I need to check Activity Monitor in each account to see my total energy usage or does Activity Monitor summarize the data for the total MacBook?

    9 months ago

    Jonathan: In the View menu you can choose All Processes or My Processes.

    8 months ago

    Gary...thanks for this great video. So much information and details packed into one video...you put more interesting and useful information into a "small space" than anyone else I know of.

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