Recreating the All My Files Finder List

Prior to High Sierra there was a Finder sidebar item called All My Files. This showed you a big list of all of your documents. This was replaced with the Recents list, which only shows documents you have opened and leaves out files you have created or downloaded, but haven't opened yet. You can easily re-create the All My Files list by making a Smart Folder and adding it to the Finder sidebar. You can customize this Smart Folder to better fit your needs.

Comments: 5 Responses to “Recreating the All My Files Finder List”

    Jim Worthington
    6 years ago

    I want to truly see all the files on my hard drive so that I can sort by size in descending order to see what, that I don't need, is eating up disk space. I tried "Kind is Any" but that shows no files. I also tried multiple "Kind is ..." options to cover every kind of file, but the conditions are AND'ed together, so no files meet the criteria once you have 2 different kinds of files. Is there a way to OR the conditions? Is there another way to do what I want (show all files on my hard drive)?

    6 years ago

    Jim: Watch the whole video. I show you exactly how to do that (OR condition).

    6 years ago

    Easier to see large files by clicking on "About this Mac" then "Storage" then "Reduce Clutter" then "Review Files" which opens the Documents category. If you don't see any files there (Large to little) click on "File Browser" then on "Documents" to get a list of files from Large to small; a column showing the date you last accessed the document with a delete button at the lower right.

    Jim Worthington
    6 years ago

    Thanks, Gary. I missed the Alt key trick the first time through. Unfortunately, when I tried OR'ing all of the "Kind is ..." options (except Folder) together, I got "An unexpected error occurred (error code -50) when attempting to Save. I'm on High Sierra, so maybe it will work under Mojave when I upgrade.

    Jim Worthington
    6 years ago

    Ultimately, I found that using a smart folder with the criterion "File size is greater than 250 MB" was what I really wanted. Thanks for the great video, Gary.

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