2 Ways To Find Duplicate Files On a Mac

If you suspect that you have some large duplicate files on your Mac, you can find them without any special software. You can use the Finder to search for files and sort them so duplicates are together. You can also use the Terminal to find duplicates with a multi-part command.

Here’s the code for the Terminal command. This should all be on one single long line.

find . -type f -size +1M -exec cksum {} \; | tee /tmp/filelist.tmp | cut -f 1,2 -d ' ' | sort | uniq -d | grep -hif - /tmp/filelist.tmp | sort -nrk2; rm /tmp/filelist.tmp

Note: I have added a part at the end that is not in the video to delete the temporary file to keep things cleaner.

Comments: 38 Responses to “2 Ways To Find Duplicate Files On a Mac”

    Jacques Huot
    3 years ago

    Hello. Did a copy, paste of the code into "terminal" nothing happened. Apologies for what will, no doubt, turn out to be a dumb question.
    Love your content.

    Scott Palluth
    3 years ago

    This is a great tool. Thank you. Is there a way that a shortcut can be madero run this as a shortcut command "duplicates'?

    3 years ago

    Scott: You should be able to do it as a Shortcut, yes. Try it.

    3 years ago

    Jacques: did it all appear as one long line? Did you press return after pasting it?

    Wes W
    3 years ago

    The command as-written works, but was reading several hours on my flash at about 380-MB/s before I killed it (many TB). Swapping out cksum for md5, check sums are now reading at about 555-MB/s (46% faster). Installed md5 as part of "brew install md5sha1sum" - otherwise, work great, thanks Gary.

    chris pearce
    3 years ago

    Is there a limitation of not working on the icloud drive data, or is there a trick to getting the path right. I can get the local documents working but the cloud stoared files seem to be overlooked. possible path issues. Any hint?

    3 years ago

    Chris: just start in the top level of iCloud Drive and it should work. But I wouldn't try it if you have "Optimize" turned on, as there is no way for the checksum to work right if the file isn't really local.

    3 years ago

    This is great. I can get a lot of use out if it. But I am getting an error: "grep: -: No such file or directory". I think this refers to the "grep -hif -". What is the purpose of the '-' at the end before the filename? Could that be my issue? I am on macOS 11.6, could that be the case?


    3 years ago

    Al: Make sure the path after the dash in the grep is correct. That's what the error is telling you.

    Murray Walker
    3 years ago

    I too have the same issue as AI above, in that it shows the same error "grep: -: No such file or directory"...I have cut and pasted from above so its not a syntax error...any ideas Gary?? Thanks for all your great videos btw, theyve been so helpful in getting my new MacBook Pro under control!!!

    3 years ago

    Murray: If the error is the same, then it sounds like the /tmp/filelist.tmp is not being created. Maybe you just don't have any duplicates at all?

    3 years ago

    I get zsh: permission denied: whenever I try the terminal command. Any ideas?

    3 years ago

    Dan: Maybe try it piece by piece to see where the problem is.

    Kay Fisher
    3 years ago

    I ran it. Quite an eye opener. Most of my dupilicates were from FCP
    3765589312 357053440 ./Movies/FCP Cache/FCP 2021 Cache.fcpcache/Sailing 28-Oct-2021/Render Files...
    3765589312 357053440 ./Movies/FCP Cache/FCP 2021 Cache.fcpcache/Sailing 28-Oct-2021/Render Files...
    But I got a lot of stuff from: ./Library/Trial/Treatments
    I googled that but it looks like Apple is dropping the ball here!

    3 years ago

    Kay: I would really just run this on your Documents folder, not your Home folder. You don't have to worry about things in the Library or inside of project/library files. I should have stressed that more in the video.

    Taylor Francis
    3 years ago

    I'm getting the "grep: -: No such file or directory" error. I've double checked the file name spelling AND I've guaranteed there are duplicates.... any ideas??? Thanks!

    3 years ago

    Taylor : perhaps you aren’t getting any duplicates?

    Michael Cliff
    3 years ago

    Gary - I'm getting the same problem as Taylor, Murray and Al - "No such file or directory" error. I've also made sure there are duplicates and done it step by step as in your video. There are no errors until the "grep" command. I'm running Catalina 10.15.7 on a MacBook Pro. I am not used to using Unix so would appreciate any more help. In general thanks for all your ideas and suggestions.

    3 years ago

    Michael: Wait, you are in Catalina? That could explain it. Also, are you using zsh, or bash in terminal? What I'm showing here is using zsh, the default shell in Terminal in Monterey.

    Taylor Francis
    3 years ago

    I'm running zsh, but my OS is Big Sur...

    3 years ago

    Taylor: Could be it, no way for me to test to be sure.

    Michael Cliff
    3 years ago

    Gary - I'm using zsh in terminal and still can't get it to work. It works as far as the end of "uniq-d". I made a file called 888.txt with the output of "uniq-d" and then ran "% cat 888.txt | grep -hif - /tmp/filelist.tmp" and got the missing file error and realised it was looking for a file called"-" so I removed this "-" after the -hif and it ran with no error but also with no output.

    Jim Owens
    3 years ago

    Hi Gary. Is there any way to eliminate duplicate photographs? Thanks!

    Charles Holder
    3 years ago

    Attempting to run this tool, I found difficulties because of “operation not permitted”. Changing privacy settings to allow terminal full disk access improved the situation but not completely. Running in documents, “operation not permitted” still appeared for an older machine ‘documents’ residing inside the current machine/user documents. Why would this older machine ‘documents’ not be accessible with full disk access enabled? It does contain a PW restricted folder containing health data.

    Charles Holder
    3 years ago

    I was able to run this tool after ‘cleaning up’ the drive to remove seeming remnants of the old drive, PW protected stuff, and downloading all iCloud files. I will next change the size specification to get to duplicates smaller than 1M.

    Your UTube guides are greatly appreciated; always clear and succinct.

    3 years ago

    Very useful thanks. Would be even better if the duplicate file names were saved to a file with 'clickable' locations to access them easily.

    Steve Urich
    2 years ago

    I am also getting the error message about no file found. Believe me I have duplicates. I run Gemini duplicate finder and it shows plenty. But it does not make it easy to get rid of the files that are not where they belong.

    Any recommended troubleshooting steps?

    I am going to try and run it one step at a time like you did in the video, but if there are many users that are getting the same error then their might be a common problem.

    2 years ago

    Steve: Are you sure you are running the Terminal command in the right place? If that other app finds something in folder A and you are running the shell script in folder B, then you are looking in two different places.

    Rune Schjoenning
    2 years ago

    Hi Gary thanks for excellent instruction. Every line in the script works perfectly until the "grep" instruction.

    find . -type f -size +1M -exec cksum {} \; | tee /tmp/filelist.tmp | cut -f 1,2 -d ' ' | sort | uniq -d | grep -hif - /tmp/filelist.tmp | sort -nrk2
    grep: -: No such file or directory

    The filelist.tmp is generated with duplicate files in it. I run OS High Sierra. Terminal Version 2.8.3 (404.1)

    Thanks again kind regards Rune

    2 years ago

    Rune: Probably because you are running such an old version of macOS.

    Rune Schjoenning
    2 years ago

    Yes probably. I tried a simpler 'grep' (picking out a text from a txt file), first from a dokument folder, then I moved the txt file to the tmp folder. Dragged the folder to terminal, and got a path similar to what I had tried earlier. No trouble picking the text from there either. So the path seems to be working, but maybe a more complex grep command is the problem on my old OS? kind regards Rune

    2 years ago

    Hi Gary, will this work on Ventura? Great content by the way, thank you.

    2 years ago

    Sharyn: The Terminal command? It should. Try it and see.

    2 years ago

    Hi Gary thanks so much for this great tutorial. It worked great. Is there a way to select and move the resulting list (or better the files named on that list) to another folder for review (or the bin)?

    2 years ago

    Steph: Yes. You'd need to use mv instead of rm in the last part to move the file instead of remove it. Not sure of the exact syntax so you'd need to do some research and try some things out.

    Bob Sander-Cederlof
    2 years ago

    The problem some are having with the grep command is because an older version of grep which does not support the "-" as the tile specifier after -f. By changing the uniq and grep parts to the following it will work on older OS/grep
    | uniq -d > /tmp/keys.txt
    | grep -hif /tmp/keys.txt /tmp/filelist.txt

    This now works on my Mojave mac in bash.

    Bob Sander-Cederlof
    2 years ago

    Sorry, I wrote the .txt file extension, when it should have been .tmp, in my previous comment.
    | uniq -d > /tmp/keys.tmp
    | grep -hif /tmp/keys.tmp /tmp/filelist.tmp

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