How To Translate Text On Your Mac

Your Mac has a built-in translation feature that works almost anywhere. You can translate text to read it, or to aid in communication. You can even translate text embedded into photos.

Comments: 4 Responses to “How To Translate Text On Your Mac”

    7 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    Jim Terrinoni
    7 months ago

    Thank you. I've been going to google.translate forever and this would be a faster way to correspond with my Italian cousins.

    Stephen Ryan
    6 months ago

    I often read German books in iBooks. Sometimes when I highlight a word and select translate, it may say: "Swedish is not supported". Although I can then change the source language to German & it will translate it correctly, why does it try to translate from an unsupported language rather than from the language it actually is in. This is so annoying, particulalry since the whole book is in German and 90% of the time it correctly picks German. It would be nice if one could pre-set source language.

    David Taenzer
    6 months ago

    This is a great video! Unfortunately the Mac WhatsApp program does not appear to work with this feature (sigh). That is the one program where I really need this feature. I can use the screen capture trick and Quick Look as demonstrated but it would be nice to just select the text and use the context menu. Thanks for the great video!

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