14 Tips To Help You Focus While Working On Your Mac

When it is time to focus on getting work done you have to fight many distractions that will show up on your Mac. Learn how to focus on one app, minimize notifications, use Reminders and Notes to help you focus and much more.

Comments: 5 Responses to “14 Tips To Help You Focus While Working On Your Mac”

    7 months ago

    I love this tutorial, Gary. I haven't used the reminders or notes apps before, but after watching this tutorial they'll certainly be used in the future and replace my hand written reminders and notes. Thank you! Bippie

    Ken Nellis
    7 months ago

    Thanx, Gary. Good tips! Another way to remove the distraction of multiple Safari tabs is to move them all to a new tab group. Easy, then, to get back to them without losing anything.

    7 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    7 months ago

    Safari Reader tip helps me! I often wondered what the point of it was, and now I know. Thanks!

    7 months ago

    Also thanks for the background sounds antidistraction tip! Had no clue it was there! I am sharing this additional tip on background sounds because I don't want to have to turn it on and off in system settings: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/play-background-sounds-mchl3061cdc6/mac (tip at the bottom)

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