30 Quick Numbers Tips

Learn some useful tips for using Numbers on your Mac. Discover ways to autocomplete, highlight, style, select and calculate.

Comments: 5 Responses to “30 Quick Numbers Tips”

    2 weeks ago

    Thanks bunches. I do enjoy when you go back to the basics....I am always stunned by how much I have forgotten

    Randy Cloward
    2 weeks ago

    Great info as always. Is there a way to defeat the auto progression when auto filling cells? I'm constantly getting the wrong fill down when I want to keep the same date, account number, or even text that might have a number as the last character. I'm tired of reverting to copy/paste every time I have to fill cells having completed the change in one row.

    2 weeks ago

    Randy: Depends on the exact situation. If you have a column with the same number in it, it should just autofill that same value. So I'm not sure of the situation here. Experiment and test things out in a sample document, perhaps?

    Randy Cloward
    1 week ago

    Thanks Gary. My experimentation thus far yields varying result. If there is text in the field it depends on what it contains whether or not it duplicates or increments. For example when filling down "Joint-185" you get "Joint-186", etc. for the rest of the fill. If you have a Yes/No column with a "Y"as the text and you want the fill to all Ys you get "Z", then "A" etc. If it's a currency in doesn't increment. Dates always increment. So I'm relegated to Copy/Paste. Excel shortcuts fail.

    Randy Cloward
    1 week ago

    Oh, and I've discovered that manually typing or pasting the same thing in the next cell down, select both cells and then fill down it will duplicate and not increment. That does help but I still wish for a key combination that just lets me fill down the cell contents or better yet provide an option in settings to just turn off the auto increment feature.

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