36 iPhone Keyboard Tips

Here are some iPhone tips to help you type faster, edit easier, and be more productive with the iPhone virtual keyboard.

Comments: 5 Responses to “36 iPhone Keyboard Tips”

    3 weeks ago

    second-to-last point about dictation: any tips on how to make it more useful? it seems the past 5 years voice-to-text has deteriorated significantly.

    around our house we're always discovering we've sent some nonsensical message because dictation got something as simple as "dinner is ready" wrong. (My wife caught one at the last second that had changed something she said to a seriously profane word. Not helpful.)

    3 weeks ago

    Joel: Why do you think it has "deteriorated significantly?" Seems to me it has become more accurate and feature-rich.
    Always review what was dictated before sending. Remember audio quality if key: mic nearer to mouth, speak clearly, avoid background noise.

    Stephen Goodrick, Sr
    2 weeks ago

    Great tips to save time messaging, Gary.

    A. Wortmann
    2 weeks ago

    Of all the Apple-specific websites I check almost daily, I always save MacMost for last. Why: this is the only site where I, as a very experienced Apple user over the decades, always learn incredibly important simplifications. Thank you Gary, you have the rare ability to present complex systems in detail in a didactically appealing and useful way. As with this comprehensive keyboard advice.

    1 week ago

    Thanks bunches

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