9 Ways To Create Contacts Pictures On a Mac

There are now many different ways to create pictures for the people in your Contacts. In addition to photos and custom images, you can create memoji, use emoji characters, or use any two standard letters.

Comments: 8 Responses to “9 Ways To Create Contacts Pictures On a Mac”

    Karen Brown
    3 years ago

    I did a screen capture of a friend (png) and tried to drag it into the Contacts app as you demonstrated you could do with the MacMost logo at the end of the video. I'm running Monterey. It simply won't take. Even tried converting the png to jpg. I hate to add them all to my Photos app first, but that seems to be the only way. Ideas?

    3 years ago

    Karen: Not sure why it isn't working for you. Are you dragging it to the same location as I show in the video? Also, maybe your contacts aren't stored in a way that supports that, are you contacts On My Mac, iCloud or something else (like Google, Yahoo, etc).

    Karen Brown
    3 years ago

    I'm hooked up everywhere—and even went back and watched that part of the video a couple of times to make sure I was doing it exactly the same. [This isn't the first time that you've demo'd something that hasn't worked for me—and I'm always, always up to date, backed up to iCloud, etc.!] It's a conundrum! 🤔

    Karen Brown
    3 years ago

    Btw, don't know whether it will do any good, but I submitted feedback to Apple that it would be immensely valuable to have the "Photos" dropdown (to select a photo for a contact) also include People! Right now the choices are Shared & Albums.

    3 years ago

    Nice! I'm going to have some fun with those suggestions. Thanks Gary.

    Frank Bastedo
    3 years ago

    Hi Gary--another great video! Thanks. I can get my Memoji to display on the Lock Screen when I'm just testing it out, but it doesn't work on the real Lock Screen. (I do have Monterey.) Any ideas? Thank you!

    3 years ago

    Frank: It depends on the type of Lock Screen: wake from sleep, logged out, restart, etc.

    Karen Brown
    3 years ago

    I found the solution: Don't double click the photo spot to open the dialog box—just drag the photo onto the spot on the card. Hope that makes sense—I can't submit a screen capture.
    I also have submitted a feedback request to let you select "People" from the Photos choices.

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