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How To Copy Only Recently Modified Files From One MacBook To Another?

I have two MacBook with identical information. I would like to keep both of them up to date. How do I copy only modified files from one MacBook to another MacBook?
Lali Raj

Comments: 3 Responses to “How To Copy Only Recently Modified Files From One MacBook To Another?”

    7 years ago

    The best way to do this is to use the cloud. This is pretty much what iCloud Drive does, or DropBox, or any service like that. And it will do it automatically without you needing to find the time and repeat the process over and over each day (or hour, or minute).

    Lali Raj
    6 years ago

    Thanks for the reply Gary. So if I signup for iCloud Drive, will it automatically sync new information from one MacBook to other computers?

    6 years ago

    Lali: Yes, that is basically what it does. See

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