Make Web Articles Easier To Read With Safari Reader View

Reader View is a great way to read large amounts of text on a web page. Get rid of distractions like ads, navigation and sidebars, and read with larger text on a plain background. You can also use Reader View for nicer printouts, PDFs and text features.

Comments: 3 Responses to “Make Web Articles Easier To Read With Safari Reader View”

    1 month ago

    Thanks bunches

    3 weeks ago

    I love reader view and your tips will make it even more useful. Thanks.

    However, lately I have noticed that a growing number of web-pages do not respond to reader view. Is this due to a setting that I have, mistakenly, applied? Or... can some web pages be designed to thwart reader view?

    3 weeks ago

    Barry: Neither. It is just that the page is poorly coded so Safari can't figure out what the article portion is.

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